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Archaeologia BALTICA - Bd. 6-18 (PDF / engl.)

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  • Premium
    • Mitglieds ID: 10.262
  • 618 Beiträge
  • Dabei seit 28-07 11
  • 322 Themen
  • 238
  • Geschlecht:Mann
  • Sonde:alle 5 Sinne & FOS170
  • Alter:40
The journal Archaeologia Baltica, established in 1995, is publishing articles related to the archaeology of the Baltic region.
Archaeologia Baltica, a research series published since 1995. Publisher - Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology of Klaipeda University (until 2006 published by the Lithuanian Institute of History (Volumes I-V); in 2006–2011 published jointly by the Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology of Klaipeda University and the Lithuanian Institute of History). 
Archaeologia BALTICA 6-18 -> PDF Download (gesamt um 185 MB)
Articles (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 6)
Articles (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 7)
Weapons, Weaponry and Man: In Memoriam Vytautas Kazakevičius (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 8).
Landscape archaeology (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 9)
Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and Cultural Heritage (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 10).
The Horse and Man in European Antiquity (Worldview, Burial Rites, and Military and Everyday Life) (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 11)
Food and Agriculture (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 12)
At the Origins of the Culture of the Balts. (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 13)
Archaeology, Religion, and Folklore in the Baltic Sea Region (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 15)
Archaeology, Religion, and Folklore in the Baltic Sea Region (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 15)
People at the Crossroads of Space and Time (Footmarks of Societies in Ancient Europe), I (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 17)
People at the Crossroads of Space and Time (Footmarks of Societies in Ancient Europe), I (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 17)
People at the Crossroads of Space and Time (Footmarks of Societies in Ancient Europe), II (Archaeologia Baltica, Vol. 18)
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  • Premium
    • Mitglieds ID: 6.439
  • 52 Beiträge
  • Dabei seit 06-08 07
  • 3 Themen
  • 3
  • Geschlecht:Mann
  • Ort:B, MOL, LDS, TF, P, OHA und anderswo
  • Sonde:Whites
  • Alter:50

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Carolus Rex


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  • Dabei seit 10-07 05
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