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Welcher detektor fuer ackersuche

Started by goldmanjace, 02.04.2012 - 06:23

# goldmanjace

    • Member ID: 919
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Posted 04.04.2012 - 18:34

Das ist ein Zitat von einen Herren der bei der Entwickelung bei Fischer fuer die F Serie mit verantwortlich war.

"If you can get away with:

Sens 99
Disc 4
3 or 4 tones
F6 (probably. mitigate EMI)
'sl' mode

......... and see what you think. Go ahead and swing that coil fairly fast....... even in 'sl' mode............... and see what you think. In this set-up config....... it's a F75.

'de' is 'default'
'sl' is 'slow' (((Deeper as more sampling is taking place)))."

Das versuche ich mal.