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Game Info
Xeno Tactic v1.3
Description: Setup defenses aginst the waves of incomming invaders
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Arcade Scores
is the champion of Xeno Tactic v1.3
with a score of 13,097
is the Xeno Tactic v1.3
Hall of Fame Champion
Since: 20.03.2017 - 21:48
with a score of : 13,097
Time Spent
str 13,097 Pfuuuh
20.03.2017 - 21:48 190m3s
Kopfnuss 11,815
25.09.2016 - 09:16 217m1s
musikroots 6,940
17.09.2014 - 22:17 26m44s
4 Flecki 2,255
02.11.2013 - 00:28 85m48s
5 Onkel-Horscht 384
25.08.2017 - 22:03 9m19s
6 desertforges 366
15.06.2013 - 07:12 8m53s
7 blind182 137
25.07.2017 - 14:33 5m22s
8 Hardfield 6
15.12.2013 - 19:55 1m55s